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Pinner Arts Week

Pinner Arts Week
7th October 2014
  The very first Pinner Arts Week started with a bang when Rock Chorus joined the amazing Jubilate for a rip roaring, rousing concert which had the audience dancing in the pews. The concert started at 7.30 at Pinner Parish Church - a venue that has hosted some of music's top names including the likes of Cleo Laine and Johnny Dankworth.

Jubilate performed the first set. And what a set it was. Combining musical excellence, amazing dynamics and tight arrangements they could not fail to impress the assembled crowd, not to mention Rock Chorus members who were starting to wonder if we should go home!

Thank heavens we didn't. A choir of 50 strong - our members had come from all five choirs across Herts Beds Bucks and North London, Pinner, Dunstable, Berkhamsted, Milton Keynes and Watford - we put on a fantastic show. We were on fire and determined to prove our worth. We raised our voices in pefect three part harmony, we raised our arms in unison, we moved as one - we sang our hearts out and raised the spirits of one and all. The audience, which included the Jubilate choir were dancing and singing in the aisles. 

A truly great start to what we all hope will become an annual fixure in Pinner's arts and music calendar.